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Ella smiled politely and nodded. "In that case, Gavin, you may call me Ella." She didn't really like the formalities much either, but she used them just in case it made the others feel more comfortable. Oh, wow. He had been in the Ministry for quite some time. "Oh, wonderful. You've got experience in here then." Unlike Ella, who didn't know anyone, or how to get anywhere. "Yes, I'm brand new, in all aspects. It's taking some getting used to and I still have to pull out a map occasionally, but I think I'll get the hang of it soon." Ella gave him a small laugh and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
Gesturing to the chair in front of her desk, Ella spoke again. "Would you like to sit and chat? I've got some tea warmed up if you want. Unless you're too busy and were just stopping by to say hello." She thought it was polite to ask, though.
Nodding he smiled kindly in return "I sure can, if it's what you wish as well." It was a relief to know that the formalities weren't necessary with some of his fellow department heads. "Yep, I have a bit of experience, on a few levels even. Awww, well I'm sure you'll be able to a hand on it soon." He nodded encouragingly "It took some time when I first started here too, but after a bit I was able to find my way around fairly well." It definitely helped that a witch called out the floors and what offices were on each as it stopped at each level!
Taking the seat she offered, he smiled in reply "I'd enjoy that thank you." He had most of what needed doing completed so he had a bit of time on his hands. "Tea would be lovely, thank you!"