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Old 08-27-2012, 05:00 AM   #218 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by HJPotter View Post
Jack thought about it "She's about two months old..." He said and blinked hard.
"Oh, a sweet age!" he said with a smile. "Just beginning to get her own little personality!"

Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
Was the 'Le King' late? Pshht no! He was never late. The people before him were just early.

With the purple diary still in he's tight grip, Dart entered the conference room. He wouldn't leave that diary anywhere, even though it wasn't his. It went with him everywhere and almost every second he got, he attempted to open the locked diary, that still hadn't opened. Silly lock. He wanted to just break the whole thing. ...Then it hit him. Break it hmmmm..not a bad idea, but before he's thought process could continue, he noticed all the people already seated in the conference room.

He smirked at them all and then went over straight to the food, putting the diary in he's left hand so that he could still use he's right. He took some mozzarella sticks, a chicken wrap and roasted potatoes. After that he took a seat and began eating away not even bothering to say hello to any of he's co-workers. He was hungry and the only reason why he was here was because of the food and nothing else.
Looking up as another person entered the room, Gavin nodded to Dart. His gaze dropping to the little purple book the man was carrying still. Hmm, Gavin was really curious as to what that book was. And why the man appeared so obsessed with it! He might need to pull him aside later, and maybe see what he could find out about the book.

Watching as Dart moved to the food, before sitting down, Gavin smiled at him and looked back Sophie's way when she started speaking again.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
When Gavin asked how Sophie was doing, the older woman just smiled weakly at him. Her feelings were not something that she was extremely open and comfortable sharing with other people. It was a part of Sophia's personality that had been conditioned in her from a very young age. Her parents were the strictest of sorts who believed that one did not air their dirty laundry. So in turn, in her adult life Sophie typically plastered a smile on her face and told everyone she was fine. In reality, Sophie was just getting tired and she hoped that it was nothing serious.

Taking a seat around the table, Sophie nodded to Gavin, "I'm fine. Thank you for asking though. Just been awful tired lately. Need more sleep." Except she had been getting a lot of sleep lately. Perhaps she needed to go to hospital.

That was when a lot of people started to enter the conference room. Sophie smiled to all of them as they entered and nodded her head in all of their directions. Even as Gavin reminded all of them that Gina retired, which still upset Sophie. There was no department without Gina.
"Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help." he said honestly, his concern showing in his face. He wasn't much younger then her only by a year or two he was sure. And she really did look exhausted!


Looking up around after he'd finished most of his sandwich, he'd watched each of their expressions and admonitions when he'd spoke of Gina. No one had said anything but he was sure each one felt her missing presence in this meeting. Swallowing he pushed his plate back, folding his arms on the table, and finally spoke "The minister has given me the position as head of this department." he stated waiting for their reactions before going on.