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Old 08-26-2012, 07:03 PM
Lezleighd Lezleighd is offline
Default Office of Professor Gemma Cerulean, Muggle Studies




Welcome to Professor Gemma Cerulean's Office!

Feel free to come in and have a seat! Make yourself at home. Professor Cerulean loves meeting new people!


Once the Professor has let you into her domain, you walk into a very peaceful room. It is the exact duplicate of her office from her post as History of Magic Professor during Term 29.

The office is full of light and full of color. The walls are painted a light shade of blue. The room has been charmed to make you instantly feel at ease as you cross over the threshold.

SPOILER!!: Office, just with light blue walls

Everything is very welcoming in the room. She has two white soft couches along a wall set up in a conversation area. In the center of that area, is a dark blue rug with a conversation table in the middle.

She also has the usual desk and two chairs in front of the desk. These chairs are also white and very inviting looking.

This gives you two areas to choose from to speak with the Professor. She doesn't mind sitting in either area, so feel free to choose.

Along one of the walls is a gigormous book shelf full of history books both magic and muggle. They all have very tattered and used spines indicating that they have been thoroughly read. Along the adjacent wall, you can find moving pictures of Gemma and her family at various locations around the world.

There are only two pictures on her desk. There is one of her as a young child with her, now missing/presumed dead, brother. The other is of Gemma in Egypt on an archeological dig.


*Updated 8.26.2012