Text Cut: Kat, Hong and everyone really ;)
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Katrina slipped into the conference room and headed towards Gavin. She was so happy for him, he deserved this job. He was always working so hard. She stood off to the side as he talked to some other people, she wasn't about to intrude on others' conversation. She waved at him to let him know she was there and then went to grab some food.
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Hong quietly slipped in without trying to make any sort of entrance his head ever so stuck into a book. He just gotten his hands on this book and he had to memorize it for some reason it couldn't be helped it was just in this nature to read a book and to remember word for word and cover to cover what was written within it. He peered up above his book and glanced over to everyone and gave a gentle nod to each of them.
He finally made eye contact with Gavin instead of a gentle nod his right eyebrow rose up a bit in a questioning manner. Hong was rather curious as of this meeting was gonna be about he continued to think a little and decided to let it slide he would find out soon enough. He lowered his eyebrow and then gently nodded at Gavin before taking his seat. Once taking his seat he took out a bookmark and placed it in between the pages he just read and sat the book gently upon the table.
He then looked around again then pulled out a book form his inside jacket pocket. He sat the book down and opened it this time the books had no words written inside it in fact the pages were bare. He then pulled out a pen and uncapped it waiting patiently to hear what was gonna happen and ready to scribe some notes down within his book.
Looking over as Kat walked in, he smiled softly at her. He was still amazed they were now married, and it always lit up his face whenever he spotted her somewhere. Waving over at her he went sat down in his seat placing his food on the table. He was glad to see she'd come! It was his first meeting leading the group and he was really nervous about it.
Looking up as Hong walked into the room, he smiled kindly at the younger man. He'd only talked with the guy a few times, and he definitely appeared to know his stuff, and Gavin appreciated that. "Welcome". He said and nodded towards the foodstuffs "Feel free to grab something." Looking around he glanced at the others, including them as well.
Looking around the room, he finally spoke to the group as a whole "Once you're settled, I know some of you have already heard this, but I want to make sure all of you are aware. Gina has retired." Stopping there, he wanted the words to sink in, for each of them. Especially those who probably weren't aware yet. He didn't say anything about himself being the new department head, not yet anyway. He wanted them each to have a chance to think on that. Stabbing a piece of fruit he waited to see what the others would say.