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Old 08-25-2012, 10:46 PM
MeredithRodneyMckay MeredithRodneyMckay is offline
Default The Homework Room (Homework RPs ONLY)

There is a door you pass every time you walk along the sixth floor corridor, but it's usually locked up. And will be again. Not so now. It even has a new sign attached, put there by Professor Magnus, instructing you as to what it's for.

Originally Posted by The door sign
Please complete your homework within. This room will be locked between assignments.
Pushing it open you notice that it's not much different to the practice room in size, but it does lack all of the clutter. Instead the only things in the room are the window dummies you've been using in class, now decked out in the full outfits you've been making all term. Hung around the necks of the mannequins are little signs with a name on - your names. They won't be needed for the last assignment of term, but the pile of paper plates on the side table will be.

Homework Task One: Create a top/jumper/sweater/t-shirt (Summus Vestis)= Completed

Homework Task Two: Create a skirt/trousers/shorts (Summitto Vestis) = Completed
Homework Task Three: Create a pair of boots/shoes (Pedestis) = TBD

A table is now situated off to the left side of the room as you enter, with paper plates on and an old-fashioned muggle camera - the only sort you'll be able to use in the room. Please do not touch it until you have completed your homework, and only then to take one photo of yourself to pin to the corkboard above the table. Thank you.

OOC: As we are doing a task that will cover all three lessons, so too will the homework. This thread is where you MUST RP whatever I set for you. The dummies are to be used to complete your homework assignments - like you're a fashion designer, say. ^__^ Please try NOT to double/triple etc.. post in here. If you have any questions about what to do in here, or homework in general, do contact me via PM.