Originally Posted by
Morga what? Not a common last name, but what catches his attention more is her first name. Elliot... Never heard of it on a girl before, but Xing knows it is better to keep it to himself just to be polite. Plus, Elliot doesn't look too happy and Xing really doesn't want to get a punch in the stomach especially when he is full. Merlin knows how nasty a girl can get when they're angry!
By the way, "Which house are you..?" he asks, but then he pauses as he realises that they are still on the muggle side of the station. "...I mean what YEAR are you in?" Xing quickly covers up for himself before he spills it out.
She saw him raise an eyebrow at her last name. Did he recognize it, perhaps? "
It's an old wizarding name." Really old. And very pureblood. VERY PUREBLOOD. But she didn't say that bit aloud...and hopefully he would clever enough to assume that since it was an old name it was also a pureblood name.
She smirked...she didn't usually care about muggles..and keeping her voice down...meh, they didn't know what was going on, silly things. "
Ravenclaw," she replied, drawling almost.
Her blue eyes flickered to his cat again. "
May I pet you..?" she glanced at Xing...
"What's his name?" Because...well it was nice to address people by their names! "
And I am a fourth year..." Nod. Fourth year. THe halfway point. Which was weird for Elliot.