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Elliot dragged her trunk behind her...and she had her lacy school bag slung over her back. Her blonde hair was getting long, actually, and she flew behind her in the wind. Her icy blue eyes, usually full of bitterness lately, were actually narrowed in utter
Her Aunt Delilah was being very annoying. She kept asking who that boy was...back there. And Elliot wasn't saying a word because he was NOTHING but a
friend. But of course, she didn't want to waste her breathe on her aunt. Especially since her own parents weren't even there..which made the fourth year claw even moodier than usual.
She sighed, watching as all these people scurried around her, and she saw a few people she recognized as hogwarts students going through the wall. She didn't feel like boarding yet...but she didn't much feel like standing here, either.
Time passes so quickly. It feels just like yesterday he had left Hogwarts for summer break.
Xing looks slightly tired. Not only that he spent almost the entire summer learning English, he had to settle his hiatus from the band with his company. The managers and boss weren't too happy, but at least they understand.
Xing pushes his trolley near the platform, squinting his eyes, trying to look for the few friends he has. Meanwhile,
Lei is fast asleep on one of the trunks. Bloody feline could sleep anywhere at any time.