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Juliet has been excited since 3 days ago. She couldn't stop talking and keep on packing more stuffs, it makes everyone in the house just laugh at how enthusiastic she is about this. Of course she is. She is finally transferring to the school that she had always wanted. So she got up early and fixed everything before leaving. Her uncle Alexander couldn't drop her off at the station today because he has work at the ministry. Her aunt Victoria is sick since yesterday, so Juliet can't really force her. Which only leaves one other person in the house to help her... And her uncle would not let her go alone to the train station today, forcing his own son to drop her off even just a little while. He is leaving tomorrow and instead of enjoying his last day in London, THIS had to happen. He woke up very early to because she is too excited to be dropped off at the train station. His father did give him specific rules. Drop her off but don't leave til the train arrives. It's not fair. NOT FAIR!!! Though he is a bit looking forward to it still, he is going to see a couple of familiar people on the platform, so why not?
Upon arriving at the platform, a few people were there. He helped Juliet with her bags and they both sat on one bench. Students were around but none of them he knew of. Looking at his cousin "Told you not to be too early" he mumbled as he eyed the Daily Prophet paper on his hand. Great. It was time to get back to school.
The lioness made her way to the platform with lots of her belongings, all well packed in one trolley. Originally her parents were going to take her to the station since they said that it was too heavy for her carrying those luggage but mostly they just missed her so much and they were worried about her. But she has already grown up and she didn't need them to go with her anymore, not like they always did in the past three years. She was a fourth year student now. Besides they got their work to do right? So she had decided to go there on her own.
Tiffany dragged her bags to the nearest bench and sat down. Phew. Now she kinda regretted of refusing the idea of her mum and dad carrying them for her. Her hands went all red after carrying them through a long way from her home to the station. Since it was still early for the train to arrive, she leaned her back to the wall and took a box of chocolate out from her backpack. Merlin, she just couldn't be separated from sweets, not even one second. As she threw one into her mouth, she looked around and noticed that actually there was someone else sitting next to her. And not only one, but two. A girl and a man? or a boy? The lioness couldn't see his face clearly since he was sticking his head to the newspaper so she greeted the girl first. She was so pretty and she was a new student right?
"Oh haiii,"she said in a cheerful tone.
"I'm Tiffany, nice to meet chu." She finished, ready for a handshake.