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Cedric Impractical? HELLZ YAHH. She would be carrying around, like, one million pounds of clothing on her back, and then she would soon end up like the HUNCHBACK OF NO TIRE DIME. Eww, ew. She did not want to think about that. "Yah, that'd be bad.." Ix nay on the carrying thing.
Val shrugged. All work and no play. AS IF. "If anything, it was no work and all play for me." She wasn't so hot on the classes and homework thing. Work was just so much.... work. Right? Like.. ugh. So much thinking. Anyway, he went to an academy in New York? "Oh, I love New York. Best part about the east coast." So, he agreed about the tea. Yes, he SURE agreed on that. Found it annoying, he said. "I think they probably have to pee a lot because of it. I just don't know why they would drink tea over coffee."
Her blue eyes moved down to his sleeves that he was pulling up. Why was he wearing a hoodie? It was still SUMMER. Silly boy. When he wasn't saying any more, she propped her hand on her hip and looked at him. "So, like.... is this your way of flirting, or something? Or.... are you just not good at it?" She cocked her head to the side. Or maybe he wasn't really into girls? Who knewwwww. Valerie just knew that EVERYONE flirted with her.
Chace smirked. He had a feeling that Valerie was definitely the kind of girl that knew how to have a good time. That assumption was based off of...well...the past five minutes of convo was pretty much enough proof needed to draw that conclusion.
"Same for me in New York, which is the main reason why I am here about to run through that brick wall, and not in New York where people know what coffee is supposed to taste like," Chace said, eyeing a guy walking by with a rather large cup of tea. At the comment about tea making you have to pee, Chace started laughing. Uh...he was pretty sure that coffee made you pee just as much as tea...But it was fine. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away...
At her next two questions all Chace could really do was raise his eyebrows slightly.
"Ha ha, uh, no. You would know if I am flirting with you. I'm very good at it." Chace responded with a little grin.
"I mean, don't get me wrong you're very attractive, and I'm flattered that you picked me to drop your rather nice designer bag in front of, but I'm afraid I'm taken."