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Nell put her hands on her hips as she watched him sit back down. This was taking stubborness a bit too far. She walked up and nelted down in front of him. "You wanna tell me about it?" She was convinced that there was a reason behind his hesitance. Maybe if he talked about it she could figure out a way to get him through.
Originally Posted by
Scowling at Isaac when Ed heard his full name, he gave him the indistinguishable look of 'don't start'. His jaw tensed as Isaac approached him like a cornered animal. "Yes, but you splinched yourself apparating." It was totally different. His brown eyes turned to Nell as she knelt in front of him. "I want to get to Hogwarts and not go through that wall." He had Isaac's 'thirteen minutes' warning rattling around in his head. EEP!
Sighing he stood there eyeing him "Ed, there's no difference. The wall is completely open, there's nothing stopping anyone from entering. If ye need te, then jump through it. Nell and I've done it many times already, so has Amelia and thousands of other students. There is no other way te get te Hogwarts, 'cept apparition."
Folding his arms across his chest, he eyed him, Isaac had a good almost 6 inches on him, and was had a bigger build, would Ed put up a fight?