Text Cut: Ari and Dylan
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Ari lowered her voice and smirked at the DJ and Alexa as she recalled what she had read from her books...
"I hear they keep a giant squid in there, sometimes it'll tip over your boat when you travel across," Ari paused for dramatic effect,
"and some kids say they've got merpeople in there who'll drown ya if you go in too deep..."
Archer screeched once again and Ari noticed the cats had indeed taken noticed to her tawny owl. Ariella bent down so her face was neer the cage of the winged creature and she whispered,
"If you don't quite down Arch, I'll feed ya to them...and I do believe they look a bit hungry!"
The young girl chuckled at herself as she straightened.
"So Dylan," She said turning her attention to the boy who she didn't know very well, but she planned to,
"Where are you from?" Quote:
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Dylan smiled as Alexa asked what sort of monsters lived in the lake, even he was interested in knowing what sort of monsters lived down there he would love to know. He chuckled "Oh yeah I agree Alexa it would be an adventure, it would be awesome" yeah monsters coming out of the lake would be awesome. He wondered if a monster would come out, he really wanted to get to the school now.
Dylan listened to Ariella intently as she spoke of what she had heard of what was in the lake. Wow she just knew how to make him more excited to reach there didnt she "Wow Ariella.. that sounds awesome.. you make me want to take that train right now and go see that lake, I cant wait to get on that train now" he said grinning. He then chuckled as she told her owl to be quiet or she would feed him to the cats, or the cats might get to him anyways he thought as he looked at them
He looked at Ariella "I am from here in London, I dont live to far from Diagon Alley. How about you?" he asked smiling.. this girl seemed quite friendly.. and if they were going to be friends it would best if they got to know each other a bit more, and now was the time to do that since they were going to be seeing each other since were all at Hogwarts.
She started to laugh when Ari promised the owl that it would become cat food if it didn't quiet done.
"Oh come on Ari, these two have some pretty sharp teeth, if I were the bird I'm be screaming my lungs out to get away!" She realized just how intimidating it might have been for the poor thing. She looked down at Felix.
"And you listen here mister, that owl is your friend as well so don't even think about it." She might as well had given him a fair warning.
She turned her attention to Ariella again when she started talking about the monsters in the lake.
"A giant squid?! Seriously?!" she blurted before throwing one hand to her mouth. Felix meowed in protest and tried to find a comfy spot now that he only had one hand to work with. She lowered her voice.
"And they have mermaids too?!" She whispered in all her excitement.
"That's sooooo amazing!! Do you think any of them will come to the surface while we're crossing???" She really hoped so!
She paused to listen to her friends talking. In all her excitement she had forgotten that she knew both of them but they didn't really know each other. Now was as good a time as ever for them to get to know each other so that the train ride could be pure fun!