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Old 08-23-2012, 04:41 PM   #28 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Riverlynn View Post
Nell smiled at Edmund. "Waiting for me it is then. What a gentlemen you are Mr. Edmund." She batted her eye lashes.

Nell jumped about a foot in the air at the loud thud. She turned around in time to see an owl cage soaring through the air. Quick as a cat she scrambled over a few people and managed to catch it before it hit the ground. Nell talked some nonsense in a soothing voice to calm the poor bird.

Once she was satisfied the bird wouldn't die of a heart attack she set the cage on her own cart next to Soren. Nell walked up to the guy that had fallen and couldn't help the grin that crept across her lips. "We have got to stop meeting this way." She giggled.

Nell glanced at the first year with an apologetic smile. "Give me a minute to help my friend and then I'll walk through with you." She jerked her head in the direction of the fallen seventh year. "This is Issac by the way." Her brow furrowed. "I don't think you gave me your name?"
Originally Posted by korain View Post
"Okay, take your time," she said, not particularly eager to give it any more of her thought. Turning so she could see Issac, she grinned a little, amused by the stunt. "Oh, my name is Felicia, but I go by Alex."
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja View Post
"A lot less." he muttered taking his hand and getting to his feet. "So why ye all jus' standin' here getting jostled by muggles?" he asked. There had to be a reason right? "Ye know the platform's a lot less crowded. Winking at Nelle he laughed with her "Thank ye fer catching Sprite. And I think yer right, we should stop meeting this way."

Looking over at the first year she introduced him to, "Hello." he said kindly. Maybe, they should head onto the platform? And at least get their luggage stored instead of just standing around the wall watching students go through the wall infront of them.

Gentleman was certainly one amusing way to describe him. He flashed her a cheeky grin, glad she'd moved off the topic of him not being on the platform already. A smirk appeared on his face as she teased Isaac. After helping him up, the talk turned back to the platform.

He busied himself with re-arranging Isaac's trolly and staring at the muggles. They could go, but he definitely wouldn't be following anytime soon. Would they let him go by floo powder?
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