SPOILER!!: Quotes!
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[CENTER]Looking around, the first-year spotted Edmund leaning against the wall. Great, get picked on by the seniors before you even board the train, why don't you? Ignoring the thought, she walked towards him, giving the seventh year the brightest, least foolish smile she could make. "Hello!" she said as she stopped a couple feet from Edmund. "Um, could you tell me how this...?" the brunette's voice trailed off, hoping he had understood what she was trying to say.
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Why did there have to be so many muggles about? Weaving in and out of the press of people was like playing Quidditch with hundreds of bludgers instead of two...and the muggles were the bludgers.
As usual Nell was on her own though her grandpa had seen fit to at least say goodbye to her from the door. No doubt he had already disapparated back home and was working on the bust that was his latest project. Deftly she manuevered her cart around a group of muggles who were completely oblivious of her. Shaking her head she came upon the wall between platforms 9 and 10.
A smile leapt to her lips as she recognized a figure leaning on the wall across from the entrance to Platform 9 3/4. "Don't tell me you've been waiting here this entire time for me?" She teased. "Or are we contemplating the wall?"
Nell turned at the sound of a voice and smiled at the young girl. A first year most likely and she looked a bit frazzeled. She glanced at Edmund who looked like he couldn't help himself at the moment and rolled her eyes. "Hi. I'm Nell." The sixth year bent down so she was level with the young girl. "All you have to do is get a running start and walk straight through the wall. Nothing to it really." She smiled encouragingly. "We can go through together if ya like?"
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Silver Ninja
OI! He was running he'd just gotten off the train from Scotland and had been worried he'd not make it in time. It would have been so much easier to just apparate but he had all his luggage and the last time he'd gone and sent his items ahead of him they'd ended up in the pond in the park instead of the Leaky... He was still mad about that, he'd searched all of London trying to find them!
His cart was loaded with his trunk and his owl cage holding his owl inside, and his jumper lay on top of it all. Glancing at the clock above the entrance he relaxed seeing he had almost a half an hour. Leaning against his cart he caught his breath. He'd been afraid he'd miss it!
Yep he'd forgotten to set the brake and now he was laying flat on his back.
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"Actually, that'd be great," the first-year said with a grateful smile at the older girl. "Thanks." She wondered if the wall had ever malfunctioned. Eh, the worst that could happen was a broken-nose if that was the case. Unless it stopped when you were half-way through... okay, stop thinking now, just start running. She cleared her throat and glanced at Nell. "Now?"
He was still eyeing the wall with distaste and checking the time constantly. Well he didn't want to be late, but he was also too terrified of this wall. Looking up when a small person came over to say hello with a bright smile, Edmund couldn't help but grin back at her. "Hello!" He bit his lip at her question and stared at Nell with the smile slipping off his face at her teasing. Any other thing, he would have joked around, but this wall was actually daunting to him.
"Lets say I was waiting for you." Yup, go with that.
Nothing to it?! All Ed could do was stare at her until he heard a thud. Of course it had to be Isaac. Getting up, Ed just strolled over to him and offered him a hand. "You know, there are easier, less painful ways to get attention." Now THIS, he could joke about. He wasn't even going to think about that wall for now.