Thread: Observatory
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Old 08-23-2012, 08:51 AM
Marion Burbage Marion Burbage is offline
Default Observatory

Feel like looking at some stars? You've come to the right place. From here in the Hogwarts Observatory you can see a tiny fraction of the 400 billion or so stars found in the Milky Way Galaxy. This circular but spacious room has been locked and opened as many times as there have been Astronomy professors staffed at the school. The huge telescope that Professor Anteres had put in several years ago is still here and fully operable. Students are very welcome to try and use it. If you need a hand Mrs. Burbage is always somewhere close by and can lend you assistance. If the giant telescope is too much there is always smaller telescopes stored away in the cupboards around the room which you can borrow and use as you please as well as other astronomy objects.

Large star charts are pinned to the walls which anyone is free to study for own leisure or school assignment. Don't try and take the charts down though, as they are charmed to warn if somebody tries to remove them.

Stargazing is an activity best practiced at night and therefore the observatory remains unlocked. Students adhere by a curfew and after that hour no students should be found out of bed. If you desire to study the heavens after curfew, you need a signed note from Mrs. Burbage showing that you are allowed to stay up after hours. If caught after hours without a signed note you can expect that there will be consequences like loss of house points or detention.

The observatory is place for scientific inquiry much like the library is a place to immerse yourself in books, since it’s a shrine to our massively beautiful universe. Please respect any teacher or student spending time in the observatory by not running around or shouting in high pitched voices. Just because Mrs. Burbage isn't currently in the observatory doesn't mean she isn't watching what is going on.