Heather. Heaaaather. Heeeeaaaaathherrr.
"Where is she?" Cass muttered to herself as she glanced down at the heavy watch that her father had persisted on giving her for her 17th birthday.
"I don't even know how to read the stupid thing." she told herself sullenly as she watched the planets move around the face of the clock.
And this was why she preferred muggle watches better. Unfortunately, her's broke in a tragic accident involving the bathroom and her half-asleep state when she decided to take a bath that morning.
"Heeaather." The 17-year-old whined as she tapped her foot onto the marble floor of the station, holding onto her cart firmly trying to avoid the curious stares that she was getting from the muggles. Thank Merlin she decided on bringing a cat this year, she didn't want any more unnecessary attention.