The Broomshed  The Broomshed The Broomshed is a place where the Hogwarts school brooms are stored when not being used by students participating in Flying Class or Quidditch. The shed is located one hundred yards from the Quidditch Pitch and appears to be on the verge of collapse to the untrained eye. Carefully open the door that miraculously hangs on rusted hinges and inside you'll find the broomsticks hanging from the ceiling, glass cauldrons and leaning up against the walls. Select your broomstick with care before heading out to class and return it to it's resting place when class is over. At the center of the room is a large wooden table surrounded by benches - take care not to get any splinters if you decide to take a seat while tuning up your broom! Basic Broomshed Rules: 1. RP your character getting a broom for class/returning a broom/caring for a broom, etc. Please be aware that there are no Firebolts in the shed nor can you find the 'old' Quidditch Equipment Trunk in this shed. 2. Broomsticks in here are for flying practice, Flying Class, and Quidditch uses only. If your character sneaks in to take a broom for a flight by the lake or on other areas of school grounds, expect a loss of House Points and/or Detention. This rule also applies to playing with Quidditch equipment on school grounds or in the Castle itself. Remember - Quidditch and Flying only happens in the Practice Pitch thread and/or Flying Lesson threads. 3. The Broomshed is not a place for public displays of affection (PDA) - violators will lose House Points and gain a date in the Dungeons (aka, Detention). 4. Observe SS Board Rules at all times. 5. Have fun! |