50 Ficlets for the "FRIENDSHIP" of the Ice Cream Lass and Slytherin Captain - Sa13+ Hello! Hello! *WAVES* My name is Tazzie and along with my SM aka soulmate, Kerri (THE Govoni), we are going to bring you 50 utterly perplexing, bizarre ficlets starring our SSRPG characters, Beatrice Evangeline Castell and Dylan Corvi Montmorency. DISCLAIMER: Although the two main characters are figments of our overactive minds, the rest of the magical realm is property of the most noted J.K. Rowling.   3 out of 50 Spells Executed   1. Accio The Meeting
Beezus took out her list of books to buy and began perusing through the long line of shelves inside Flourish & Blotts. “Let’s see. I need the Standard Book of Spells: Grade Three.” she muttered, craning her neck around in search for the said book. Where was it, hmm? She went on and stopped in front of a tall book shelf. Apparently, the books could be found there. The search was over. The problem was, she couldn’t reach it! Standing on tiptoe, she extended her arms but not one of the books was within her grasp. “If I could just…” Merlin help her. She needed that book! As she was trying her hardest, a hand traveled from behind her and grabbed the book so easily. Someone was helping her! Yaayy! Beezus settled down and whirled around to thank whoever it was.
T’was a guy. “I can’t believe how short you are, love.” The boy told her, smirking as he tossed the book her way. “Aren’t you even going to say thank you?” Errrr...WHUUT? Someone was really that smug and arrogant?
Maybe she should’ve just used the Accio spell to get the book instead of having his help.