Sweet, Eventide - Sa13+ ↑Lyrical Life beastie pwnage! Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've been around the fanfics. I decided on making a single-post fic/poem, but Hera has encouraged me into writing an IC Book. Written by my mellifluous Ezzi boy! Dedicated to the curiosity of his past, and being. Finding influence in the night's charming stars. You can always follow up his history and more here.
Disclaimer: All rights to Harry Potter and the wizarding world in which he lives in is credited to J.K. Rowling.  ____________________________________________banner created by me (AYOCutie) Sweet Eventide, I always knew it would be you. You're gentle clouds caressing Luna, illuminating in our souls. It was a swift move you made. I still don't quite understand it, but I'm willing to learn. You stripped me of my security, and left me in the dark to discover. I'll be waiting here under the trees gazing at the sky, leaving my options to the portraits you paint me.
Sweet, Eventide you left me with an urgent development I was never ready for. There was no guidance to follow. My tiny hands reached out for the only thing that was willing to grasp back. Not only man, but horse. In the woods I survived, and in every shadow was curiosity. I can see you smiling at me through the stars, and it's a fine beauty to see you.
My sweet Eventide, you paced me through the rebuild of a doubtless mind. May curiosities cling to me as there's so much to be discovered. Now I sing in your tune as you follow me down the travelers path, the breeze blows with the rhythm of change.
__________________ _________________________________________Painting Daisies 
If you call my name out loud, do you suppose that I would come running
Do you suppose I'd come at all.. ____________________ I suppose I would
Last edited by AYOCutie; 08-23-2012 at 05:56 PM.