Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret Annie's comforting touch helped him relieve some tension, but the topic was still too much for Sylvester to ponder on for long. A small smile appeared at his lips as she full out blamed the mother, "Well, Mackenzie was always a weak soul. I don't even know how she ever became a certified Healer considering she used to barf at the smallest sight of blood. Do you remember?"
Mackenzie. Sigh. Sylvester had expressed a variety of colourful adjectives about that particular woman.
"Who is that? Exactly. I hadn't heard of her either until she barged in here acting like she had a broom stuck up her backside," Sylvester grumbled, "She's a media liaison for the Ministry."
Sylvester grinned at the callousness of them both. He really had missed being able to talk to someone like this. "Yes, well, maybe one day. I would have went for the bloody editor's position had I known it was up for grabs, but the Ministry swooped in and placed one of their puppets in charge. No doubt so that they can have their disgusting fingers in as many pies as possible."
His finger played around the rim of his mug as Annie talked of interns. "Not only that, they don't even make coffee that well," he sneered.
"I'm sure I can talk that over with Dacosta," he said as conversation shifted topic once more, "If she was made aware of the connections I had with the new Headmistress of the most prestigious magical education facility in Britain, I'm sure she'll be more than happy to allow me precedence over Hogwarts news. I imagine you will help this Rook out and divulge reportable information to me?"
__________________ When I look into the MIRROR OF ERISED
all that I see is YOU
*wink* |