Gryffindor Study Tables  graphics by sweetpinkpixie As far away as possible from the hustle and bustle of the central part of the common room, you'll find several tables and chairs have been provided to assist you with your homework and studying. Whether you're working on a project, completing some homework or simply want to relax and read, you've come to the right place.
Here you will find all the tools you need in order to conquer your tasks. There are spare rolls of parchment as well as various inks and quills. The shelves along the wall are stocked and up to date will all the material you might need for your classes. All in all, it is the perfect place to sit with friends and tackle any homework that comes your way.
The most important thing to remember is not to stress... help is always given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it. So if you need advice, ask a peer or a professor, or even a portrait, who knows where you will find your answers. |