Originally Posted by
ForeverYours Bliss grinned. "Haha, I think it's a very cool name!" She admitted with a serious nod. It actually was, she wasn't sure if Landon was a common name, but she's certainly not heard of it.
"I think I'll do exactly that! No, I'm not," she said and sighed. Shaking herself, she semi-forced herself to smile. "Oh, yeah I do! Do you?" She was guessing he did since he'd asked her.
Landon grinned.
"I mean, if you say so." He shrugged. Yeah, he was a bit embarassed, but in a good way. If she said that it was a horrible name, he would have had that on his mind for the rest of the day. He takes things way too close to heart sometimes. That's why it was good that Bliss complimented him or else he would worry.
"Great and see, I was right." He winked at her. No one was always sad and if there was, well they shouldn't be. Landon was taken out of his thoughts as Bliss said she goes to Hogwarts.
"Brilliant! I mean, I guess that's horrible..." He teased,
"but yeah, I'm transferring over this upcoming term." Maybe she could show him around.