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Old 08-14-2012, 06:47 PM
Aparecium Aparecium is offline
Default Aparecium Term 32

OOC: This is ENTIRELY IC. As this is the case, in order for gossip to be posted and for your characters to find out the latest, we NEED people who witness things to owl us on this account so it can be reported on. This is to keep everything canon and IC. Please do not post in this thread, that is for us to do.

How do you get a hold of this magical gossip parchment IC? Well that is entirely up to you and be creative with it! Maybe it's under the Giant Squids tongue or clinging onto one of the many Hogwarts statues, or look! Is that the back page of your History of Magic textbook?

Exaggerations may be made on this parchment, but do not take these to heart, this is just for fun. Promise. If you are still unsure of what this is, think of it as a Merlin's beard for more personal plotlines, whereas Merlin's beard is dedicated to the school-wide plot. Hope you all read and enjoy!

P.S This has been staff approved.

P.P.S if you ABSOLUTELY do not want your character mentioned at all, you can PM us and let us know, and we'll do our best to ignore you

If anyone is interested in joining the elite team of Aparecium please shoot a PM to the Aparecium account with a small sample of your writing, we'd really prefer a bit of current gossip if your character can sniff it out IC.

If you do become part of our super secret team, we need a minimum of three articles over the course of the term, that is just one per month. Easy.

We currently have THREE spaces available on the Aparecium team! Those sneaky individuals who contributed last year will need to REAPPLY in the usual way.

The FIRST rule is not to tell anyone that you have an interest in the job, please. The secret is not to let others know it's you.