Welcome to Transfiguration
The following are the classroom rules and expectations.
Respect: Please respect your classmates, your professor and yourselves. I expect you to treat others as you would like them to treat you. Any IC unruly behaviour will result in a loss of points, and depending on the severity, a detention.
Participation: Getting involved in classroom activities, by asking questions, taking part in discussions and doing any tasks, is greatly encouraged. Points will be awarded to those that do so.
Homework: Will be assigned either at the end of a lesson, or just after. It will be posted on the Transfiguration notice board, and the ones in your common rooms. I will try and make sure you have about 2 weeks to complete each assignment, so any submissions after the due date, I'm afraid, will not be accepted.
Tardiness: Please DO NOT announce your late arrival in lessons, just act as if your character has been there the whole time. I know not all of you can be there the minute I start the class, but if you post arriving after class has started then I WILL take points.
Chatting: I don't discourage chatting to your friends while you wait for the lesson to officially start, but please DO NOT let it become excessive. And once class has started I expect no idle chatter at all. I will take points if I believe there is too much of it. Please use your common sense. (I know you have some)
Cheating: Do not do it. Cheating includes (but is not limited to) copying another student’s answer in class or for homework, or copying directly from an internet source. If you provide an answer in class from a particular source (Google, Wiki, etc), please tell me, and above all - word the answer the way your character would. DO NOT copy it verbatim. Points will be taken from anyone caught cheating.
Questions? Whether IC or OOC, please feel free to contact me with any questions you have. You can PM me, or talk to Professor Magnus in her office.
All SnitchSeeker Rules and School RPG Rules apply at all times in the classroom and in Professor Magnus’s office.