Male Prefect The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Lewis Rasting  Portrayed by James Gaisford. {BASICS} Full Name: Lewis Dustin Rasting Nicknames: Lewy (by Indy) Age: 17 Date of Birth: November 13rd, 2060 Place of Birth: Lincoln, Nebraska Blood Status: Pureblood Patronus: Chow Chow dog (for future reference) Relationship Status: In a relationship with Kurumi Hollingberry. {SCHOOL} Salem Institute of Magic: 2072 - 2076 Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: 2076 - ? Year: 7th House: Hufflepuff Special Positions held at Hogwarts: Hufflepuff Prefect (Term 31) Strongest Subjects: Potions, Charms Weakest Subjects: Divination, Herbology {FAMILY} Father: Michael Rasting (✝ March 2064) Mother: Cindy Rasting (née Green) Brothers: Kevin (born 2054), Neil & Jack (born 2056) {APPEARANCE} Height: 6'0'' (183cm) Hair: Sandy blond Eyes: Green {PERSONALITY}Growing up with three older brothers hasn't exactly been very easy for Lewis as he has never really been the type to do what they liked to do. He much rather stayed at home, helping his mother prepare dinner which earned him a lot of mockery from his brothers. Not that he cared too much.
Due to his issues with trusting people he doesn't know, Lewis has always kept to himself, making it difficult for him to find new friends. Apart from two other close friends he went to school with, he usually hangs out and completely trusts only one person: his best friend since kindergarten and neighbor Valerie.
Spending most his freetime at home, Lewis has started to teach himself various languages, in two of which - Spanish and German - he's now almost fluent. He is generally a highly ambitious student, always willing to learn new things and always attempting to excel at them. Pet: Vanilla - present from Valerie for his 5th birthday {HISTORY} OOC: Hey! I'm Lisa, 20 years old and I'll be one of your Prefects this term. I'm from Austria (yes, Sound of Music and stuff) and am currently studying Journalism in Vienna. I've been part of this RP since Term 18 but used to be in Slytherin until last term. Sooo, if you want to RP just PM/VM/let me know somehow. And if you have any questions, also don't hesitate to ask me. ^__^
Last edited by PhoenixRising; 08-28-2012 at 04:01 AM.