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Old 04-21-2012, 12:52 AM
Davvy_Wavvy Davvy_Wavvy is offline
Default The Charms Annexe

The Charms Annexe is a converted space on the third floor housed in one of the small towers. It is a round tower room which opens onto the Charms Corridor and stands opposite one of the smaller stairwells that leads up to the fourth floor.

With wide window sills, big enough to sit in, it is the perfect space to curl up with a textbook and study your charms. The round room itself is mostly empty, and has been set aside for practice purposes. Students are permitted to practice any charm they have learned in class during the term or from the Professor or an approved tutor. Duelling and fighting are NOT permitted in this space.

It is a short walk to a staircase that provides a shortcut up to the fourth floor and the library if you wish to find a book or two to help you study your charms. The only thing in the room is a large chest which contains any items that may be needed for charming purposes. The chest itself is locked, but can be opened with simple unlocking spells.

Please note that the professor's office is just on the other side of the wall and she has ways and means of monitoring activity within this room.