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Taylor smiled at the girl after talking to her boyfriend for a few moments. "Glad to have the year ending?" She wondered if she was the only one who didnt want it to end just yet. Tay had noticed the raised eyebrow and the cough, "I am Taylor by the way." She smiled but didnt introduce the hufflepuff because Taylor figured that the girl wouldnt care about the hufflepuff and not all conversations had to have that certain puff in it.
Elliot looked around again, and then back at the other claw. She really wanted to say MERLIN YESSSKDAKHFKHFKH!!!! But instead, all that came out,
"I suppose I'm glad." Yep. Elliot shrugged.
"Term has felt extra long. I miss my family a bit..." A bit. Well that was an understatement. But she would miss all her friends...Presley...definitely Hannah...even new ones, like Gwen...and Jayden...waaah. Elliot was suddenly sad. But it wasn't like she wouldn't see them in Diagon Alley.
Taylor. Common name, it was.
"Well, Taylor, I'm Elliot. Elliot Morganzo..." she replied, sounding like a grand queen or something as she announced her name. Elliot liked her name. And she was a queen...or rather, an empress....