SPOILER!!: Sorry it took me days! :(
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Ella shrugged. That was probably true. Her friends probably found it helpful that they knew when she was upset because she wasn't one to bring it up. She didn't like people feeling bad for her. Mostly because she knew a lot of people out there had it worse. She nodded at the masking emotion comment, knowing Mordred was right. "I do try...I guess I'll just have to try a little harder, yeah?" And she frowned slightly, wondering if it was even possible to try harder than she already was. The second year smiled at the boy's next comment, shaking her head. "I don't think so. The listening helped, though. Thanks for that." Now she had a little less weighing on her heart, which was a good thing.
The blonde listened curiously as Mordred went on to explain the spell he wanted to teach her. So he had mastered it already, huh? "That just means you'll be able to show me how to do it correctly." She said with a small smile. "Everte Statum." She repeated, eyeing the text that was now being showed to her. Truthfully, she was just a tad bit freaked out that the spell was meant to make someone fly into the wall but she wanted to learn it anyway, her curiousity outweighing her fear. "One time I knocked Messer, a Hufflepuff, on the ground with Expelliarmus..." She added thoughtfully, a small smile on her face. "I want to learn, if you'll teach me...oh and maybe the duck pond instead? It might be less crowded." And less likely Ella would make a fool out of herself in front of a big crowd.
Ella smiled, relieved. "Yeah, I'm dead serious too. Looks like we'll both be keeping our pinkies, then." And she laughed softly. Her smiled disappeared a bit when Mordred commented on her being close with her Grandad. "We were close...he died when I was eight." She said sadly, shrugging. "He used to take me on these great adventures, y'know...to zoos and museums and amusement parks. He was quite smart." And she smiled, proud to have had such an awesome grandfather. She then listened as Mordred recounted his experiences with his own grandparents. So he lost them too, then? "They sound like they were really great, Mordred." She said sincerely. "My Gran is still around. She lives with us. She's a bit crazy though, in the best way possible. She started her own acting group and they perform Shakespeare." And she giggled, rolling her eyes. "I think she really misses my Grandad sometimes though." She could see it in her eyes and the way her smile wasn't as big as it used to be.
"It's not a problem. I'm happy to do it." Ella said when she was thanked. Honestly, she was happy to be able to help, even if it was just to sit quietly and listen. She turned to listen more carefully when the Chloe person was mentioned. Hmm. Chloe. So Mordred could talk to this Chloe girl then...but the important thing was, did Mordred like like her...cause if he did O_O Sophie would be crushed...and then Ella would be crushed because she was. Ugh. Luckily, or maybe not so luckily, Ella's train of thought was broken by Modred's next question... Mr.GoodHairSayWHATAboutBoyfriends?! Cue an immediate blush from the second year. "I...nope. No boyfriend." Ella answered sheepishly, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. WHY on earth was he asking this, anyway. "As for liking someone...I erm...sort of do." SORT OF was a HUGE understatement, by the way. "It doen't matter though, he doesn't like me...like that." Sigh. And as they were on the subject. "Do you have a girlfriend...or fancy someone?" It was only fair that he answer since she had.
The badger laughed as Mordred grinned and talked candidly about his cousin. "Little boys can be irritating sometimes. I know my brother is. I can handle it, no worries." If Ella could handle her big bestie of an ogre here at Hogwarts, she could totally handle little Ethan. She also smiled as Mordred seemed to hold back laughter at the thought of Ethan and Sophie interacting. "Sophie will be able to keep up with his energy. I'm sure of it! Hey, she can even teach his some charms, too! She's quite good at that subject, y'know." Yup...and she wasn't trying to talk up her friend in front of her crush or anything...nope.
The Slytherin nodded and grinned at the girl. He realized that it felt good giving out great advice to people he barely know. It was one of the things that Mordred have yet to discover about friendship and building relationships with the others.
“Just don’t forget to let it out when you can’t handle it anymore…you don’t want to head down to St. Mungo’s.” he said as he drew imaginary circles near his temple. It may look like he’s joking about that bit, but he knew very well that one can lose his marbles if one kept his problems all by himself. Heck, he almost did after he got back from Durmstrang. Luckily, there was Aurora and Beezus to tell all of his woes.
“Oh, and you’re welcome.”
Show her how to do it correctly.
“Of course. I practiced it countless times on fellow students back at Durmstrang.” And they did too on him. Oh, and did she manage to knock Messer with Expelliarmus? Impressive.
“Hm. Your intention must be really strong…and your aim wasn’t on Messer’s weapon…” How else would she disarm a boy like that? Clearly, she needs to work on her targeting. Yep!
“And just so you know, it feels like being thwacked by a frying pan if the spell hits you…” The sensation was surreal that everything gets blurry and painful all over.
Mordred nodded and grinned as Ella talked about his grandparents. He had to agree that they were great, and cool people to be with even if they are old. They have become wise because of age and their knowledge being passed down to them was something the boy would forever cherish. His grandparents both came from pureblood families and their stories about their ancestors, the adventures they did as kids, the things they missed in life and the pieces of advice that came with it was something Mordred held dear in his heart.
“I’m sure your grandfather’s in a better place. I know my grandparents are very happy now…” wherever they may be. They lived a full and happy life, and it was logical that they went to the other side of the door peacefully.
So no boyfriend for Ella, but she likes someone? Oh, and the blush didn’t go unnoticed.
“Yeah, you do…” Mordred kept an eye on her as Ella tucked her hair behind her ear. But then, he doesn’t like her in what way? Like a girlfriend? Well would you look at that. Mordred has the same dilemma as Ella.
“I…actually do…” Mordred looked down and started to massage his hand.
“She…well, she’s a great friend…and then, I started to like her…” The Slytherin winced a bit as he bit his tongue. Things have gone complicated after that, and thought that it was best to just forget about her…their friendship…and his feelings…
for Chloe. “..but I figured we can’t be together even if I tell her I like her…because her family doesn’t like my kin.” Something about his family being dangerous, purebloods and Slytherins…not to mention that their family has Durmstrang products as well.
“I still like her though…but I don’t think I’ll be able to tell her. You know…” he said as he brushed his hair.
“I might scare her away or something…”
Mordred chuckled as he imagined Ethan strolling the halls of Hogwarts following his new found friends, Ella and Sophie. It was a sight he wanted to see, but sadly it was impossible…he was just happy that Ethan will have a blast.
“Don’t underestimate a Scofield.” Ella may have a hyper brothers, but Ethan is just too much.
“Yeah, Sophie’s really good in Charms.” Mordred noted that fact because he was able to witness it first hand back at the Lake.
“She’s a fast learner, I must say…” The Slytherin stifled a laugh as he imagined a grown up Sophie teaching a young Ethan how things are done in Charms. He was sure that the boy would be sticking to her all throughout her last years in Hogwarts.
“And with that being said, let’s see how well you’ll do with the spell I’m going to teach you.” The Slytherin got up from the window sill and tucked his book under his arm.
“Duck pond it is. Let’s go?”