Originally Posted by
Furmgoat the Tawny Owl
Furmy flew carefully through the Ministry, carefully navigating his way through to find the person he was looking to deliver this to. It took a little while, especially with his wonky wings carrying him, but he eventually managed to find the place the letter receiver would be and he flew into the room.
He paid little attention to any other people in the office and simply dropped the envelope onto the desk in front of the man sitting behind it. Then with a "Hoooo," he turned and flew back out.
Armen had been reading a magazine about the top rated resturants by some famous Wizarding Cuisine expert when the owl arrived.
He had never really cared for when the creatures made their way into the Ministry complex but he wasn't going to turn it away. He took the letter and opened it to find the invitation to Jayden's wedding.
"Ah, how nice." He read through the invite and smiled, glad to see it was in Paris because he could stop and visit his parents and his little brother Eli when he was in the area. After checking the entree he wanted, he tapped the paper and sent it out to Jayden's desk. No need to waste money on an owl.
Originally Posted by
Gerti watched the owl out of the corner of her eye as it flew towards the office. Here dark eyes followed it as it flew into the now open office. Well, the fact that the office was opened must have meant that her boss was now allowing visitors in, yes?
Then there was a knock. At least that meant there wasn't another owl.
"Come in." He set the magazine aside and pulled a few Floo Network fireplace requests infront of him on the desk to make it look like he was busy just incase he wanted to send whoever was behind the door away.