Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie

please be sure to edit your first post with a chapter index after your next update!
First, thank you for sharing your talents with us once again! Second...I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY ALREADY! You really captured Petunia in a light that not many of us have been able to really see or imagine and it is fantastic! I can't wait for more updates from you
Hi pixie! Thanks for that awesome review and I'm so glad you liked it! ^.^ I'm glad I could put that different light on Petunia without straying too far from her actual character... because she's still the jealous and resentful Petunia we know, but if you looked past Harry's POV you could really sympathise with her, so yeah

I'm keeping this a one-shot for now... but who knows, I may change my mind
Originally Posted by Connie
Hello, I just read your one shot and enjoyed it very much. Thank you for sharing your opinion of Petunia with us. I had empathy for her and it made me wonder if she had had friends would she have felt the same way about her sister.
Thanks for reading and commenting! And about that... well, I think Petunia would've gotten on well with her classmates but in my head she always sort of stuck around with Lily, so when the whole magic thing came by I think she started hanging around other kids just to sort of distance herself from the magic. Anyway, I could go on forever about her because she's one of those interesting minor characters, but this is supposed to be a one-shot so I'll leave it at that

Thanks again for reading!