Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna Soon enough it was his turn to get up and walk to the front of the classroom to do his speech. To say Gideon was a bit nervous was an understatement, yet the sixth year was doing his best not to show it. He just kept reminding himself that acting out a scene would have been an even more bothersome and nerve-wracking choice for him, not to mention having to work with someone else so the speech was indeed the lesser of two evils. Turning to face the class once he was at the front, the prefect took a soft deep breath before beginning with what he was going to stay. “The boggart is just one of a collection of dark creatures and the one I selected for my project,” he began, having decided to start out simple. “Part of the reason they are considered dark is the fact that they are seen as having no real purpose other than hiding out and scaring those which come upon them. As such they do nothing productive other than causing harm which is one of the very definitions of a dark creature as has been discussed in class.” “They are non-descript beings that take the form of a person’s greatest fear and to everyone’s knowledge there is no other known shape of boggarts outside of that.” It was one of the reasons people could be taken surprise by them for it wasn’t like you could keep your eye out for them and their appearance. It was like open some cupboard and such casually and BAM they could be there. It also meant he had no visible aids like his classmates other than the pseudo-boggart/dummy that Professor Romanos had created."It was the creature shown to those older students like myself in one of Professor Carlton's charms class my first year and during the prefect event three to four terms ago." Hopefully that would allow those students who had been there at the time to remember something to compare his speech to.“The creatures as a whole have the unique aspect of being one of the rare if not only magical creature with no distinct classification as their danger level is based solely on how controlled by their fears the witch or wizard that confronts it is. They be effected in a large range from highly bothered to complete paralyzed in terror and everything in between.” “My bog—the shape that I face when dealing with a boggart is a man whose had a profound effect on my family.” It was something he hadn’t ever really thought about revealing to those outside his family who likely already knew. However it seemed fitting to mention along with the report and there was only one person in the audience who might know to who he was referring to…two if Kacie was around. They would understand and be supportive of his revelation. It just seemed to fit. “Though thankfully as ye see here, these examples are in the form of Professor Lafay.” As much as he hadn’t been a fan of her usage in the beginning, it surely was better than seeing Grant. And more students could surely relate to being afraid of Professor Lafay at times even if he personally wasn’t one of them. “To deal with boggarts should ye find yerself facing one is to try and keep calm and concentrate on imaging a funny scene. This is usually picturing a way to make yer fear into something less scary. With that in mind, the Riddikulus charm is used in correlation with the imagery to do just that…take away the scariness of the boggart’s form.” To demonstrate, Gideon slipped his wand from his pocket and went through the motions. “Riddikulus!” he cast, using the solid point towards the dummy which then changed into Lafay into an un-Lafay type appearance, a toned down version of his first transformation…the professor in her normal clothes with a Hufflepuff scarf and a stuffed cat. “And there ye have it.” Gideon said those final words as he returned his wand to his side and went back to his seat, the boggart-dummy slowly returning back to normal.
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