lazykitty's 100 Drabbles for a Middle-Aged Prosecutor Sa13+ Graphic credits go to Debbie aka nogoodforyou Hello there! Most of you (okay, all of you) know me as lazykitty, of course. I'm writing these drabbles on my Ministry character, Roxanne Carter. They are from all different points of her life, from childhood to adulthood, depending on what fits the prompt best. So, here we go and I hope you enjoy! Disclaimer: All elements in these drabbles that are recognizable from the Harry Potter novels belong to the wonderful J.K. Rowling, not me. Further more, anything else recognizable belongs to it's owner as well. The only thing that belongs to me is Roxanne Carter and her story. And, of course, any other RP characters you may recognize belong to their respective player. 45. Licorice Wand
*nom nom nom nom nom nom nom.*
The candy tasted so odd. Young Roxanne didn't even know how to describe it. Were her parents even sure it was candy? With the sweet contrasting with a slightly overwhelming bitterness, it sure didn't taste like other candies.* She wasn't sure if she even liked it or not. She didn't find it as completely repulsive as her brother did. He had spit it out almost *immediately. She, however, she had just swallowed hers and then sat, confused. *Maybe if she tried another...
"Mom, can I have another licorice wand?" |