you has a shop!!
congrats on it and a belated welcome to Madame Malkins! I'll be stalking this place!! Because I CAN and I wanna.
Also... I kinda want some graphics.
I want a pp and a avvie
What size? 100 x 100 for avatar ; 300 x 350 for pp
Images, please. you can choose
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 :3
What texts do you want me to add? On the PP "Melanie Sung. Coming to a Hogwarts Near You" and on the Av either "Melanie" or "Melon" or you can just leave it blank.
Others? I know some of the images aren't HQ because they were scans but I absolutely love them and if none of them work just poke me? other than that... thank you!!