SPOILER!!: Nerida and Sarassi
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Sarassi had been so caught up with splashing that she had not realized that Nerida had already said she didn't care about the price. Dang it. Still splashing a bit she turned so her mouth was facing the cieling. "The young girl does not know what she has just done. For the evil witches' price is always bad. She usally never keeps them alive. And usually its not the witch who gets rid of the people who come to ask her for help its the monster that lives in the lake!" And who was playing the monster. Yeap that was right Sarassi was playing the monster...Who would get beaten by Nerida but still...
As she waited for Narumi and Nerida to continue on the act. Sarassi added a bit more water and pointed her wand out of the lake so it would seem like the monster was making water go out of the lake making it push more outwards. She pointed her wand at one of the branches, making sure no one in the audience could see what she was doing plus the good thing about learning a spell really hard and really good was you could say in silent and thats just what Sarassi was doing.
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Seeing Narumi's grin her eyes widened. Just to play on the fact that the Rose character was majorily scared of the evil witch. And Sarassi's splashing just made her even more scared. In fact she evil had her start shaking a bit. Maybe it was because she was cold...Or maybe it was because she was scared. It would keep the audience guessing.
Her eyes flickered scaredly over to where Sarassi was and than back quickly to the evil witch.Before Nerida could answer Narumi's evil question. Narumi had touched her hair. Nerida jumped back whipping her braid behind her. "Yes, my mother she is ill. She needs medicine. I ask for your help. I understand that everything comes with a price and I don't care. My mother needs help.
She licked her lips and asked "Will you help me? I have no money and we have nothing to give to you?" More splashing came from the lake and a look a fear became onto Nerida's face. Nerida had been on stage ever since she was a kid this was nothing to her as long as she didn't see the Professor's face! She stepped backwards one step and waited for Sarassi to narratate. Anytime now...She had dragged out the scene already a bit....She gave a glance towards the lake as more splashing could be heard. Goodness enough splashing get on with the narratating!!
Narumi's grin got more eviller just as Nerida started to shake. Good she was playing on the scared part and Sarassi's splashing was perfect! A cackle escaped Narumi's lips as Nerida jumped back. Perfect! Just as she thought she would do. Aw poor mommy, she needs medicine now isnt that great!! Well not for the mom or Nerida, but for the evil witch that is just perfect!!
Narumi stood and smiled but this smile was just the same as the others, evil and fake. This was no reason she should be smiling except for the fact that it just played being evil so much better.
"Of course child. I shall help you. But the price. Hmm now what do I want." Hmm...Where was Sarassi???She was supposed to do the narration she didnt get many lines so they had given that job to her. She would be taking over after Nerida got down and dirty with the kappa, though.
Sigh could they count on Sarassi for anything. There she was finally speaking. She waited for Sarassi to finish before she continued talking to Nerida about the price.
"The price my dear girl. Is simple. Cross the lake, but first tell me your name. Cross the lake and collect a sakura from the cherry blossom tree." Pointing to the fake cherry blossom tree they had drew at the end of the lake it had one single real sakura flower on it the others were all fake!
"Just one flower...I do not need money or anything. I just long for that flower. My body it prevents me from getting it."