Originally Posted by
Harry174 Laura knew that it was Sophie's birthday and that there was a party going on in the kitchen for her, she really wanted to go and see her but well she didn't want to be seen at the minute, she had left the dungeon and gone straight past where her friends where, she was hoping no one had seen her go past otherwise Sophie might be hurt by her not saying hello but well she didn't want them to know what they had done to her, she sat down leaning against the wall she was really upset about the whole experience.
Ella was in a bit of a rush. She was meant to be down in the kitchens getting ingredients together for cupcakes but she made a stop at the bathrooms because she didn't want to have to leave the party once it started. She pushed open the door and stopped short at what she saw. Laura?...LAURA! BEAM. She was out of detention!
But wait...she looked REALLY upset. And messy, too. Frown.
"Laura?" She said quietly, approaching her friend.
"Are you alright? What are you doing in here?"