Ingredients to make Essence of Insanity
1. Water
2. 5 Ailhotsy leaves
3. 5 Lovage leaves
4. 5 Drops of reem's blood
5. 5 Bursting mushrooms
6. 5 Inches of asphodel root
7. 5 Tbsp of chopped fwooper voice box
8. 5 Flowers of brugmansia
9. 5 Snake fangs
10. Oz of wormwood
11. Sneezewort petals
Sarah read from her notes.
Ailhotsy leaves was the first real ingriediant. Where they not from the Hyena tree or the kind that makes a person go hysterical with laughter. Someone was already sporting symptoms of eating one...
Sarah soon set to work, the gurgling of the water boiling urging her on. Five leaves from the hyena tree were added, each with a ceremonious plop. Them came the five leaves that smelt rather anti-septic. Then came the little droplets of re'em blood, looking like scarlet wine. Another 5 bursting mushrooms (what did they eat anyway) and cut off 5 inches from an asphodel root. She sprinkled the 5tbsp of chopped voice box of the Fwooper as well. Probably LaFay did it with morbid enthusiasm. Sarah was still recovering from the homework assignment. Just thinking of it made her stomach feel awful.
FIVE flowers of brugmesia were the next item to be ticked off the list. Snake fangs joined the brew - hopefully they werent poisonous. By now she was fived out, all she needed was for someone to ask her for a high-five,shewould high five their faceFianlly she added the wormwood-Sarah had to make sure she was was seeing alright- as there were no fives! She added the wormwood and the last ingrediant- sneezewort petals.