SPOILER!!: Hermy
Then put the transfer paper on the potato pencil side down. This flips the design so it'll come out the right way when you print it. To transfer the image, move your wand across the surface and say 'transfero'." She did this, and the pencil that had been on the paper now appeared on the potato.
"You can practice on a spare piece of parchment first if you like."
Things were proceeding well. "Those of you who have already transferred your designs, use your pencil or quill to carefully mark the bits of the potato or lino you don't want to keep as part of your print. Just a loose scribble in any scrap bit will do, like this." And with that, she held up her own potato with the bits outside the leaf marked. "This is just to ensure you don't cut the wrong bits out by mistake when we move on in a minute."
Okay, so now that Ella was done tracing her butterfly and making sure the potato surface was ready, she could focus on transferring the image over. Carefully, she placed the transfer paper pencil side down, and made sure to flip it correctly. Then, holding out her wand towards potato, the second year moved it slowly across the surface. Deep breath and
"Transfero!" Blink.Blink. That worked, yeah? At least Ells hoped so. And she slowly removed the transfer paper to check. Grin. IT DID WORK. Very cool.
Next Ella picked up her pencil and marked the parts of the potato that wouldn't be part of the print. She began to lightly shade all the bits around the outside of the butterfly, careful not to damage the image in any way. She decided to add the antennas as Ms. Smythe had suggested and just shaded around the area where she figured they would be. That way she could cut them out too. Once she was finished, the second year placed her pencil down and used the tissue from earlier to wipe it clean. She found her eyes wandering over to Ian's work space, wondering how he was doing. He seemed to be doing okay though, which was good.