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Josephina was running slightly late to hosting the detention and she hoped that Cecelia hadn't started too much without her. Sliding into the check in area first, she caught sight of the note Cece scribbled about them being in the Torture Chamber. Torture?!? Wait a moment!!! Her heart rate quickened as she opened the area to the chamber and slid inside, hazel eyes dancing around the room to figure out where they were in the detention. Not to far, from what she could tell.... as she spotted a wand fall to the Healer's feet.
Ah so, she'd collected their wands. Wandless detention.
Giving the healer a brief smile, she turned toward her two misbehaving students, the younger of which was already seated against the wall. The slimy wall. "Laura. This is no time to sit. Get up, back flat against the wall." She glanced over at the various chains and slime in this room and over to the healer. This had to be one of the most disgusting room choices available. Figures that a Former Slytherin would pick it.
"Tell me. In less than 100 words, what is the difference between a Healer and a Professor?"
Laura felt like saying thank you to the Professor but decided against it because she was in trouble, she quickly stood up and leaned against her wall, she knew when this detention was finished she would have to have a shower as the slime was disgusting, she just hoped that Oakey would save her if things got too bad.
She was about to reply to Professor Hadleys question when
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Cece couldn't help but laugh a little as she watched Laura sit against the slimy wall. Oh how she loved making rude, disrespectful children squirm.
And there was Oakey's wand. The boy was lucky it came from outside this room. Picking it up she pocketed it right along with Laura's wand just as Professor Hadley arrived.
Well look at that, Hadley was wasting no time at all here. "I think she needs to do a little reading before she writes that paper." Conjuring up a book she levitated it towards the girl. "Read this first, then write that paper." It only made sense that she read a book on what it takes to become a Healer now didn't it. "And don't think about moving away from that wall." If she did then Cece would have no problem using those chains there to secure her to the wall.
Laura looked at the book and started to read it, it took her awhile but she finally read it and then looked back at Professor Hadley, she decided to say the first thing that came into her mind. "Professor Hadley a Healer is someone that is trained up to heal someone else and can make the sick better, whilst a Professor is someone who teacher a certain subject that they specialize in." Laura was sorry she called the healer a Professor, she turned to Healer Tillstorm. "I'm sorry I called you a Professor, Healer Tillstorm."