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Old 07-17-2012, 09:52 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Srah did not no many fashion designers, because farnakly she was not interested in designer lables. As longs as the outfit was pretty and cheap Sarah wore it. Yet her muggle grandmother knew some. her grandmother had a whole collection of her favourite oufits or dresses by designers and she had a board on them. One particular picture was her favourite- a wedding dress. It was a wedding dress fit for a princess. "Sarah Burton, creative designer for Alexander McQueen desinged in 2011 a wedding dress for the Royal Wedding. That dress gave her fame worldwide. The dress had lace sleeves" said Sarah.
Hermy nodded. "It was a beautiful dress indeed - managing to tread the line of modern yet classic and classy at the same time. Some feat, really." She wrote the names Sarah Burton and Alexander McQueen on the board.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Cool! So they would be getting to do some designing! This made Ella bounce a little on her stool as she was quite excited about the idea. Oh...and what fashion designer did she know? Well since her mother was a photographer, Ella knew lots of names...though not a lot about what kind of work they did. One in particular came to mind and the second year raised her hand. "I believe Betsey Johnson is one. She makes really fun and colorful stuff! Dad says it's a little funky, though." Yes, her dad had been forced to sit through countless discussions about fashion between mother and daughter, though he was free of that now that Ella's mom had left them...
"She does indeed!' Hermy said with a grin. "I really like her work...colourful, whimsical and most definitely feminine."
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
This seminar lady had said she liked her blazer. That was so sweet, and it made Renesmee feel a little bit better about being over dressed for this class. At least someone had apreciated what she worse, you know she had spend quite a bit of time getting ready and all. Fashionable clothes wasn't something that took you just five seconds to put togther.

OMG! Fashion Designers! Renemee could name so many. There was Valentino, Coco Channel and even Calvin Klein. Though of course there was one certain designer Ness thought had to be the best for an answer. She raised her hand. "There's Louis Vuitton." she said beaming. "She's known for her amazing bags and accessories." Nessie herself had a few Louis Vuitton items, but it was her mother that had much more items than her.

Fashion talk! This lesson was fun already! Eeeep!
Ah, good, someone had brought up an accessory. She should have known, given that the girl had such a great tailored jacket and clearly had her own sense of style. "A long-standing brand, Louis Vuitton, and still highly popular," Hermy said with smile. "I'm glad you mentioned someone who designs accessories - they can be as much a part of someone's outfit and style as their clothes." She gestured at her own wrists. Hermy's homemade bracelets had been very much a part of her own sense of fashion since she'd been at Hogwarts. She added Louis Vuitton to the list, and sketched a stylish handbag beside his name.
Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
"Come on It'll be fun." Indiana beamed, as she clung onto her boyfriend's hand. It was going to be fun. Indy liked fashion, she liked looking pretty. So it was going to be fun. She had considered that her boyfriend was a boy, but boys needed to be fashionable too. "it won't be all about Clothes..." And anyway. He could pick out pretty things for her right? Anyway. Indy was sure he liked fashion, he did look pretty fashionable all the time. andd now they were in the astronomy tower. "It won't be that bad." She concluded, pausing by the door to the class room. "You can drag me to do whatever you want later..." She nodded, before dragging him into the room, and over to a seat.
Originally Posted by THE Govoni View Post
Dylan was NOT happy.

"Really Indy...I'm going to be the only guy here..." And if there did happen to be other guys, the Slytherin was going to seriously wonder. Of course, his girlfriend had a point. He was fashionable...or whatever...but obviously she didn't know that it wasn't really his doing. She'd never met his mother. That lady was a force to be reckoned with...and she was OCD about appearance.

Mainly his.

On another note, though...Dylan did happen to know a lot about fashion. He'd been pushed in front of a camera at a very early age...and had also been stuffed into really nice, uncomfortable clothes. His mother had always said she'd wanted a girl...and had tortured him because he wasn't one. Dylan just KNEW that was what was going on...


"Well, I'm holding you to that, dearest." How did she always get her way with him? HOW?

Being tugged towards a seat, Dylan lowered himself, trying to hide his face. Sweet Merlin, this was EMBARRASSING!
Hermy stopped her discussion a moment, and frowned. It wasn't so much that the pair were late, than the fashion that they entered the room. She shook her head lightly, curls rippled down her back. "Glad you could take the time out of your social lives to join us," she said, a wry smile playing on her lips. She was sure she'd had times like that at Hogwarts, but it was certainly interesting being on the otherside. "Perhaps you'll like to settle down quickly, and then offer me the name of a fashion designer and their specialty?" Hopefully that would embarass them enough to not interupt the lesson further.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
"Oh! uhm.. Katharos, Professor...Daichi Katharos..." The Slytherin blushed a little bit when the woman noticed that he was staring at her bracelets. Better not say that he wanted to steal them eh?

With one last bow of his head, the fourth year found a place to sit and placed his bag beside the table. All was well untill...

THEY walked in.

In a second, Daichi's cheerful looking eyes turned blank and a wave of jealousy went through him as he watched his crush Indy holding hands with Dylan. UGH. *dearest?* REALLY?! Not liking that word one bit , Daichi raised his hand. "Professor? Those two are being too smushy wooshy together" Well, technically they weren't but even the smallest sweetest word made him want to puke. Jealousy was a weird thing...

"And my m-mother liked this one designer...Yeojin..Bae..i think she was called" he said after pushing up his hand for a second time. "She's a muggle and the youngest designer to attent a school at the age of 15"

Lowering his hand with a small smile, Daichi looked over at the two yuck love birds and gave Indy a quick smile before giving Dylan a nasty look.
"I'm well aware, Daichi," Hermy said with a knowing look. She didn't know what his personal interest was, but she'd keep an eye in case it threatened the lesson for him or anyone else.

"Yes. Yeojin Bae was a very young talent in Australia. Her main focus is on tailored womenswear, elegance and stylish...but with a little edge." Her name was added to the board.
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel did not really follow fashion so all he really knew was from what he saw for himself. He did know about Giorgio Armani because his dad wore one of his suits once.

He guessed he will just use his name because he also had a question of Miss Smythe.

"One Designer is Giorgio Armani. He famous of his suits and many other things. Oh, and Miss Smythe, who is your favorite Fashion Designer and what do you like most about your job?"

He might as well learn something about the teacher because Nigel will probably never see her again.
"Quite right, Nigel. Armani is known for high end men's suits, and other items of haute couture." Hermy wrote Giorgio Armani on the list.

At his question, Hermy rest her hand on one hip, and tilted her head thoughtfully. "I really love the quirkiness of some of Lulu Guinness' vintage bags," she said after a pause. "But I must say I'm also a big fan of anyone who has the confidence to go out and do their own thing - whether it be customise a high street t-shirt, or make their own jewellery. That's how I stumbled into this career, really."

"As for my job - doing what I love to do...being creative." She grinned.

"Any other designers or brands you can think of?" Hermy asked to the class. There were plenty out there that she knew they'd heard of. What about the shop in Diagon Alley for example? "They don't have to be high end....what about the sort of stuff you yourselves are inspired to wear? Accessories? Footwear? Jewellery? And...why are you inspired to wear it? What makes it 'fashion'"
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