SPOILER!!: You both
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So he had nothing, really. That was fine, he supposed.
Rafael nodded his head at the gentleman, and then glanced over at his door when one of his botanist walked in. He motioned to the other free chair across his desk. "Yes, I think I could use your brain for a little assignment." Why did he look so nervous?
"We're discussing experimenting with a charm to protect plants from frost." He supplied. Plants outdoors, of course. "This gentleman from level three has been tasked with the job and has asked for our assistance." Or guidance, Rafa wasn't sure but he wasn't passing judgement just yet.
He also didn't know the other man's name, and gave him a brief look as if this was the time to supply them both with it.
"I was thinking a combination of certain charms that could be adjusted to our needs." He eased back in his seat, eyes flickering between the pair. "A shield of sorts that would seal in warmth, maybe even provide it, while still allowing physical contact to be made with the plant. Obviously something transparent. Lasting. Not harmful to the environment." Were either of them getting any ideas? He paused to see if they would contribute.
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Ohhh, he was needed for an assignment.
Grinning rather sheepishly, all that worry was for nothing!, Gilbert moved further into the Bossman's office and took up residence in the empty seat across from him. He did give the other guy in the room, his not replacement, a nod of his head while making himself comfortable. Chairs were comfy, but missing something. However, it wasn't really time to think about that, and once the Bossman began speaking, Gilbert gave him his full attention. Well, as much as he possibly could. He was already trying to think of a few things that they could do. Protecting plants from frost with a charm. Just think of all the time people could save! Money, too.
"Well." he leaned back in his comfy chair and scratched at his chin thoughtfully. "Muggles usually use some kind of tarp or even newspaper to cover the plants before the frost is supposed to hit. And during the frost, spraying the plants with water will insulate them when the water freezes." And.. he knew that wasn't exactly an idea, but he was hoping that, by giving that information, it would fuel some. So far, though, he had nothing. Maybe the other guy did?
Once the other man had taken his seat Bradley leant forward and held his hand out to Rafael,
"Bradley Wills" He introduced himself waiting for the hand shake so he could move on to shake the hand of the other man. At least now they all knew each other they could really get down to business. Brad was glad that the other man had offered up an idea as he still felt in the dark a bit.
Biting his lip a little he straightened his back and spoke,
"Is there a way of using your idea in a simple way? We don't want to make this solution difficult and a chore to cast" He said as he was thinking idea through his head and the end spell and the way it would look to anyone using it.
"Although I've never had the problem with frost and plants but my mother always said that continuous water of the plants soil before nightfall helps because the soil will release moisture into the air and make it warmer therefore protecting the plant in someway" He hoped it helped hem in someway.