100 Drabbles for a Slightly Insane Blonde Hello!
My name is Erin and these are my first drabbles. Ever.
These drabbles about the lovely Luna will probably be at random times in the Hogwarts years, because I am not clever enough to do it in a smarter way. 94. Allergic “Would you like a peppermint, Michael?” Luna asked the boy that sat opposite her on the Gryffindor table, where she sat with Ginny and a few others in her year. Ginny shot her a glare, but she ignored the girl and waited patiently for an answer.
“They’re a muggle sweet!” “I know. No thanks, I’m allergic,” Michel Corner replied, as Ginny gave her an I-told-you-so look.
Wow, she really liked this boy, the blonde thought as Ginny flirted. He wasn’t even that good-looking, really. And didn’t Ginny Weasley have a crush on Harry Potter? It seemed pretty complicated to her.