A Poop * k8 *
Elliot entered the bathroom cautiously. Of course, she really wanted to go into that Room of Requirement, but she REALLY was having trouble finding it...although, she was more distracted today than usual...
Elliot, who today turned fourteen, was extremely upset.
The blonde sniffled a bit, refusing to cry, as she stumbled into the bathroom. of course, one look in the mirror told her that she wasn't keeping her emotions as in check as usual. her normally stoic, blue eyes were red and puffy underneath...she rubbed them a bit, but this made them look even worse. She thought about the package she had received from Dani and Sam...and then it all came. She began to sniffle more, and eventually a few tears streamed down her face. She buried her head in her hands, and allowed herself a few minutes for 'me' time, as her mother would call it.
But her mother hadn't even sent anything, not even an acknowledgement...
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |