SPOILER!!: Kurumi
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"It's really no trouble," she laughed, setting down the small bucket of raw meat for the time being. Kurumi grabbed a shovel and helped Vickers scoop up some of the remaining poop in the stall he was working on. It did smell rather terrible, but it wasn't too bad she supposed. Could certainly be a lot worse. Added a few modest shovel fulls of the stuff to the garbage bag, Kurumi lifted her head and wiped her own brow. "I don't think I can be of too much help carrying something this heavy though. You are much stronger than I am," she smiled as she eyed his arms. Her kendo muscles had vanished slightly since she hadn't felt like practicing since...well...since her mother first fell ill. "I can try though, it does look awfully heavy."
Setting the shovel aside, Kurumi looked at Roro's stall feeling just a little deflated. She had really wanted to see the dragon again. I mean...it was a dragon for crying out loud! "You did a good job," she nodded. "Can't imagine that was easy. Roro is rather messy." Judging from the other times she had been in here to visit and whatnot.
Leaning on the door to the stall with the bucket of raw meat at her feet, Kurumi simply watched Vickers as he interacted with the creature, petting its black mane and confirming both physically and verbally that he could see them. Kurumi ended up biting down on her lip rather abruptly, wincing at the sudden pain, and her face contorted for just a moment. She lifted her gaze when the thestral approached her, its nostrils flaring and it whinnied eagerly as it swung its head once more. Kurumi ended up smiling softly at this and knelt down to take another piece of meat from the bucket and held it out for the thestral to take - the meat on her palm. "They just seemed to be misunderstood...sort of like how those that can see them are often misunderstood as well."
She hadn't really directed that comment to Vickers per say. She was more speaking out loud as she watched it gnaw on the piece of meat.
Kurumi actually felt Vickers' gaze on her before she noticed it herself, and she bowed her head. "Yes...starting this term..." she replied in a soft voice. "How...how long have you been able to see them?"
He stepped back a bit when she began to clean the STUFF. Well she sure didnt mind getting her hands dirty did she? He helped finish with the clean up and was just tying the bag up when she mentioned about helping carry it. Brows goes up as he shakes his head vehemently
"Oh no Kurumi. I'll carry it." because you know, its a bag of STUFF
"Thanks, for helping out though." He appreciated it he did.
He chuckled at the mention of Roro
"I cant imagine dragons to clean up after themselves in the wild" he puased for a moment as he looked out of the barn towards the forest and beyond
"Williamson better knows what he's doing if he wants to reintroduce Roro to the wild. Survival rate for hand-reared animals going back to the wild isnt as great as papers make it appear." Sad truth really.
He watched her feed the thestral, again just amazed at how easily she deals with the creatures. Then she mentioned about they who are misunderstood. Those icy blues shifts away again
"Well... they're just gonna have to carry on won't they? Just being who they are... or prove everybody wrong. Just like these creatures." he said as he finally returned his gaze to her and gave her a small smile.
It took a moment to process what Kurumi just said.
This term.... Events of the past term, how she looked, how she behaved, all the way to their talk in Herbology... it all started to make sense to him now, seeing the complete picture. He felt a new stab of pain-- for her. Her trials and tribulations and the kind of future he has been living for a while now.
They say it will get better. It never really does. You just get used to the pain. He bit his lip and shook his head. No that is not something to say to Kurumi right now. Or ever.
He caught her question at the last second
"Since the carriage ride here. I didnt think it was such a big deal until I hear people not being able to see them at all." People like her. Which kinda placed things in a different perspective for him, actually having a friend and telling him nothing's there.
As Kurumi continued to feed them he took the Thestral's feeding pan and emptied the bucket's contents into it. He was just cleaning up the bucket when he saw the other Gryffindor Prefect walk in, raising his head up to acknowledge the other lad's greeting.
He put the cleaning supplies away and carried the bag of stuff in his hand.
"Lets go give Professor Bentley her present shall we?" he smiled, shaking the bag a bit as he angled his head towards the greenhouses.