Thread: Conference Room
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Old 07-13-2012, 01:19 AM   #144 (permalink)
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Default I'm so sorry for the delay. The long delay. O_O
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

Originally Posted by nups21 View Post
Angela smiled a bit, quite unsure as to how her boss was like.. not too friendly, neither too strict hopefully, nor rude or anything, but neither very warm. But however her personality was, Angela was sure that she was a great boss. Yup.. Angela was already liking Althea.

Angela nodded. Well suited for jobs? Huh! She sure seemed very much confident, which was good as well as bad in a way.. Whatever!

She had read the memos, and so was aware about the WARN assessments an the other changes that Althea was about to bring in A&C. And a St. Mungo's course in Magical Workplace first aid? Huh? Well, she did know some first aid. So not much of a need for such a course! But she wouldn't object to it too. It would do her good to brush up her own first aid skills, right? So she spoke up, "I certainly won't mind the first aid course.. Better to brush up my first aid skills, yeah?" And looked around at others to see who else were interested. hopefully there were some more.

And nope, no questions.
"Excellent." Her quill noted down Angela's name for the magical first aid course. She would of course give another chance to sign up, but it was good that people were volunteering now. It WAS a good opportunity.
Originally Posted by Wonderstruck View Post
At the announcement that the meeting would now be officially starting, Violet pulled out the chair in front of her before taking her sit. Reaching into the inside of her suit pocket, Violet pulled out her wand, giving it a silent flick so that a notepad appeared on the table in front of her, along with a quill. Violet had a sharp memory but she figured it never hurt to take notes just to be on the safe side. After all there was nothing worse than having to ask someone to repeat themselves a million times.

Violet slid the notepad off the table so that it was resting on top of the right leg she had crossed over her left. She listened intently, keeping eye contact with Ms. Schirmer as she occasionally scribbled down notes on the pad.

"I also wouldn't mind hearing more about the courses in Magical Workplace first aid," Violet offered after another woman in the room had expressed her interest. Violet wasn't really sure if the medical realm of magic was her strong suit, but she figured that it would be beneficial knowledge to have anyway. After all it's always best to be prepared, right?
"Great, I'll put you down too, Violet." She smiled at the woman, though it wasn't a real smile, and her own quill went ahead and jotted her name down with Angela's.
Originally Posted by CJP View Post
The meeting had started, and Imogine listened to Althea's speech. Imogine was still slightly confussed about the WARN process, she had already been assessed and thought that her WARN asessment was probably over. Whew, glad that was over with she thought. But it still seemed like there was more to it that Imogine had missed. She politely raised her hand then asked "About the WARN asessements, is there anything else that needs to happen besides our job asessments and department remodeling?" she crossed her fingers to make sure her question wasn't stupid.

The first aid course sounded benificial as well "I would like to sign up for first aid too" Imogine said.

Althea digested the question. She didn't consider it stupid, no.

"Convince me I made the right choice promoting you and I think we'll be dandy." She smiled again, and again it didn't quite touch her eyes. And she nodded about the first aid sign up. Imogine's name went on the list.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Whoops. Ashley had forgotten all about the mention of a first aid course. She hadn't taken anything like that since she was twenty and thought it might be good for her to brush up on her skills a bit, especially in case a coworker ever had an accident around her. She was pretty level headed as far as staying calm but she didn't like the thought of not knowing what to do in that kind of situation. "You can count me in for the first aid training as well. It has been quite a while since I was last certified." It really couldn't hurt.
"Good to hear it." She said, giving Ashley a nod as the quill added her name too. It was nice that her employees were willing to put themselves forward.
Originally Posted by Riverlynn View Post
Aiden's head whipped up as he was addressed by the department head, Ms. Schirmer if remembered right. He gave her a lopsided grin and a nod in thanks and greeting. He hated being late and was glad to know that he wasn't. Being late on your first day of work never makes a good impression.

His grey eyes scanned the faces of his fellow Accident's and Catastrophes employees while listening to the boss lady start the meeting. He didn't recognize anyone present and made a mental note to change that. Back at the University he had known everyone and had been friends with everyone. In his experience that made for a far better work environment. His attention swung back to Althea, at which point she was talking about the WARN assessments.

He wasn't very interested in the rest of what she said since it was going to be open for discussion at some point. The first aid class was a moot point for him as well since all of his certs were up to date, they had to be in his previous work place. When she opened the floor for questions he waited till the room got quiet before posing his.

He leveled the boss with an even stare. "I took a look around to get a feel for the place and to see the renovations going on. I poked my head into the Training room and couldn't help but notice the lack of work space for Toxicology. If we are going to be keeping up to date samples and testing for contamination sites we are going to need a work area as well."

This certainly wasn't the lab back at the University but he would still need a good place to work if he was expected to do his job right. And Aiden always did his job right.
Now THAT made her smile. "I'm pleased you noticed. I noticed too, actually, and it is a part of the remodeling." She paused and went through her papers, then sent a map winging its way to Aiden.

"Bottom right hand corner, the new proposed facilities, just under the training room, opposite an additional storage room. The area is blocked off right now but if you'd like I can take you through to inspect it after the meeting."

Now that was something she respected: someone who knew what they needed and made it clear. She was sure the new lab space would be up to his standards. Only the best for her department.
Originally Posted by Mell View Post
With her quick quotes quill at the ready to take notes, Laura listened as Althea spoke and she took the time to observe her fellow employees. There were quite a few females which automatically made her feel better. Not that she had anything against men or anything.

Her first aid was up to date. It was a requirement of the French Ministry, her previous workplace. Although she wouldn't mind discussing the relationship they had with the St Mungos especially in her area of expertise but she was sure that there would be time for that.

As for any questions. She didn't have any. It all seemed self explanatory to her so she went back to observing her fellow co-workers.
No other questions then? She noted Laura taking notes too, and observing, both things that she approved of. As a whole they all seemed quite bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as it were.

"I'll put a sign up sheet in the corridor if anyone else decides they'd like to be certified in Magical First Aid. I'll be extending the invitation to other departments too, but obviously DMAC and all of you are my priority."



"Aiden mentioned lab facilities, which as I said just now, most certainly is in the works. But is there anything any of you think that we need for the main work areas? We'll be replacing the more shabby furniture, and while I still intend to have your divisions and task groups clustered appropriately, I'd also like to make the space more conducive to work-related interactions, so I intend to provide more community work spaces, tables and the like." And make it a little more professional in appearance instead of resembling a kiddies play pen.

"Now is the time to speak up if you have thoughts -the budget won't cover a remodel for a while after this one is complete." Years, really. So she intended to do it RIGHT.

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be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
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