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Ella looked at the girl thoughtfully as she considered her friend's reasons for wanting to ban chocolate frogs. Well if she really thought they were alive, the second year could totally understand the inhumane thing. And then Alice was agreeing that they were alive and Ella's green eyes grew a little wider. BUT THEY WEREN'T ALIVE. They couldn't be...cause if they were O___O Ella had eaten about a hundred LIVING chocolate frogs. Frown. This made her incredibly uneasy. She'd have to discuss this with someone she trusted, someone who enjoyed sweets just as much as her, Alec Summers. Oh...and she should probably respond now, yeah? "That's nice of you to do that for your friend." It was really nice, actually. Though Ella figured she'd do the same for her friends as well. It was kinda bestie code to support a friend's ideas or beliefs, yeah?
The second year giggled as she watched this girl then place the fr-Frank on top of her head. That's where she let Barnabus ride sometimes so it seemed like a suitable spot for the little pet. But huh? Who was Prefect Pygmy Puff? "I don't know a pygmy puff prefect..." Ella admitted with a shrug. What made someone a pygmy puff anything, anyway? Did the girl have loads of pygmy puffs? O__O Was she a pygmy puff hoarder!? EEK! Oh...but now the blonde girl was talking about something else...her book. Looking down, Ella frowned slightly before shrugging. "Oh it's okay. I was a bit scared I'd ripped the pages or something but I didn't...thank merlin." Cause damaging a book was just as bad as eating ALIVE frogs!
Ella smiled, trying not to laugh at the two syllables comment. This girl was quite funny! "Sure you can call me Ells, most of my friends do!" Like Edric! BEAM. He always called her that. Her eyebrows raised slightly when the girl went on to introduce herself, and proclaim that she'd rule the world someday. "Okay, Queen Alice it is." She said with a small smile. "And I hope you're a kind ruler..." Because Ella was a small member of this big world and she wanted a cool ruler...who gave out ice cream on the reg! Yeah!
"Um...Edric, is he tall and erm...brown hair...kinda scroogey?" She didn't even know why she was asking, the older boy had already told her about the duck pond incident. "He's my...well he's my bestest friend and kinda older brother and my evil fairy godfather." Though she figured Alice would only be concentrating on the evil bit. AND WAIT! She'd said girlfriend..."You mean Evelyn!?" Ella was a bit excited now, smiling to herself. "...Do you think they like each other too?" Mwahaha! She was quite excited about this possibility. Oh and..."No problem. I'm glad Frank didn't get squished." ...or that she hadn't impulsively decided to eat him.
As much as it bothered Alice to be called nice,
uh, HELLO, people, evil little girl here?! o___O she figured it was a compliment, so she beamed at Ella.
"Well, Blue does a lot of things for me too. She teaches me about Muggle superheroes who I have to beat to become Queen." oh, yeah. Those guys sounded
scary. "Did you know there's this one guy who can shoot spider webs from his hands? And he can like cling to buildings and stuff." If she became Queen, would he give her his power? 'Cause then she could have spider webs and a pretty American shield and an iron bodysuit and a magical hammer and become a giant green monster whenever she wished. o__O
She didn't know who Prefect Pygmy Puff was?
"Prefect Pygmy Puff; Seventh year. Head Girl. Snake. Always riding around with Kent, her purple furball, on her head?" Oh yeah, she had some bad run-ins with her. Not getting in trouble, but because Sel thought she was more awesometastical than the lioness. Which she totally was not.
Twitch. and.. AWWH. Ella was going to call her Queen Alice?! No one ever actually did that. Other than Prefect Eve, Alice was starting to fall in love with the whole Hufflepuff house.
"WELL. I'm kind to people who are kind to others as well. And won't eat Frank. And won't challenge the levels of my awesomeosity."
The third year rubbed her chin.
"Well, everyone I know is taller than me, so that's probably him. And YES. He is definitely Scrooge-y. He likes to go around pushing little girls in ponds, y'know." And pretend he couldn't swim so little girls would try to save him and nearly drown in the process. The evil bloke. =w=
"Err.. Scrooge is capable of having friends? Are you sure we're talking about the same person here?" Alice cocked an eyebrows at her friend.
"Erm.. Edric and Eve? Who's Eve?" She knew the Prefect would probably kill her if she said anything about.. err.. the
incident. Plus, Alice was sure that if she spoke of it, she would vomit.