Lollipops 1 elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
After three more unsuccessful tries, Ella finally had a bucket hanging from the end of her broom handle. She was smiling too, because it had proved to be quite a hard task and she was pleased to have finally completed it. At the mention of Lollipops, the second year whipped her head in the direction of Vindictus, her eyes giving away how excited she was. SWEETS AND FLYING! This was amazing! ...Like truly the best thing ever! Too bad the second year was covered in splinters...that was really the only down side. Ehh.
Once she was airborne again, Ella flew towards the far end of the pitch, hoping to avoid any collisions with her classmates. These brooms were sketchy at best and Ella didn't want to hurt herself or anyone around her by going for the same lollipop as her school mates. Spotting a cluster of pops on the ground, the second year began slowly descending, making sure that she wasn't going too fast or anything. With her left hand, she gripped the broom handle tighter, aware of the splinters that were now digging into her palm again. Ugh. They were not going to be fun to remove. Frown....But she needed to focus, and lean to the right. So the blonde reached with her right hand, stretching it towards the ground, and fingertips met a lone lollipop. She reached even further and pulled on the candy, closing her fingers tightly around it. EEEP! She had done it! WAHOOO!
Dropping it into her bucket, the second year grinned. She was one lollipop down and feeling okay about this little game.
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