Originally Posted by
lemon YAY! She had fwoggie back!! BUT. WAIT. He had to have a name, didn't he? She was going to name him... FRANK.
Alice patted the Chocolate Frog on the head.
"There, there, Frank, you're safe now." He was kind of cute. And she had already gotten attached to him.
"I think I'm going to keep you, Frank. Say hello to your new mommy!" BEAMBEAMBEAMBEAMBEAM. Did it seem weird that she was talking to candy?
"My friend is obsessed with banning Chocolate Frogs and she'd probably kill me if I accidentally hurt one," she explained to the other girl, who seemed nice enough.
The tiny third year took her hand, and when standing up, found that this girl was taller than her, too.
HMPH. "Yes, I'm fine, thanks." She dusted off her robes with the hand that wasn't holding Frank and then let her large blue-green eyes look over the other girl's face. She didn't seem familiar, so Alice asked her name.
"Who're you?" Then she outstretched the hand that held her new pet.
"And would you like to pet Frank?" BEAM. Ella watched curiously as this girl started petting her chocolate frog. Strange. Didn't she know those were meant for eating? And he had a name, now? ...Frank. Ella considered this thoughtfully. That was actually quite a good name for a frog. Plus it had that whole alliteration thing going for it...
Frank the
Frog. Ella approved. Oh, and then this frog lover was talking to her. Her friend was trying to BAN chocolate frogs? O___o
"But why would she want to ban them?" The second year asked, eyebrows raised. Chocolate frogs were delicious!
Ella pulled when the girl accepted her help and watched as she stood, dusting herself off. Grin. So she wasn't hurt. That was good!
"I'm glad." She said, giving the girl a small smile.
"...My book." Ella said suddenly, looking around them. She had been reading when they bumped into each other and couldn't see it. She began walking around in a circle, when she found it spread open a ways to the right. Bending down, she scooped it up and smoothed the pages before shutting it again. Poor book.
Walking back over, Ella watched as the girl opposite her eyed her, as if sizing her up or something. Who was she?
"I'm Ella Bishop." She said with a smile, trying to stand up a little straighter.
"Who are you?" The second year then asked in return, before raising her eyebrows. Erm...did she want to pet Frank? Truthfully? She really wanted to EAT Frank. But that didn't seem like the right thing to do, especially since the frog shaped chocolate had a name. You just couldn't eat something once it had a name. It wasn't right.
"I uh...sure." Pat. Pat. Pat.