Bucket Post. Talikins|Huffledor|Purple|Ted Velvet| |Lochnessie|Redhead|Bladger|⅓ Ferocious Trio
Now that she knew how to sort of fly this thing, it was tim,e to move on with the first task. The red head had listened to every word the Professor had said, and after she had let the instuctions sink in, she took of to the air again.
Hmm..best to take Vindictus' advice right? Mhhm..she thought so, as strange as that man was he was rather bright too.
The red head, began laping around the field again, making sure her speed was slowly slowing down. These brooms were just so annoying, and so much more difficult to control than normal ones. If Nessie had, had her real broom with her she'd had been flying at any pace she'd had wanted to.
Taking her time, Renesmee continued to fly, she was on her fifth lap now and she felt she was ready to attempt to collect her bucket. She was quite close to the ground, it wouldn't be too hard for her to reach the bucket from where she was. The problem was more, getting the bucket to stay on the broom handle.
She could do this.
Nessie flew closer to the bucket below her and using every bit of concentration she had, she made her broom bend down a little and then carefully slid the handle onto the broom as she caused her broom to go straight again.
She had done it! She had gotten her bucket with no hands used! Wow she was impressed with herself.