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Coming down to the brand new food court, Atticus decided, as he looked around and admired the new area, to head over to the Juice Bar first. He was more thirsty than hungry at the moment. Of course, he couldn't use his coupon if he bought a drink now, but he'd surely get hungry later and need another drink then, so it wouldn't go to waste.
Reaching the Juice Bar and immediately eyeing the menu, he didn't at first notice there was someone else who was there too. What was he going to get? Not coffee, he knew that much. That he could always get in the break room on his level. He wanted something different for once. What though? Hm...
Then he suddenly noticed the woman who was there too. "Do you know what you're going to get?" he asked with a smile, genuinely curious. Maybe he'd get whatever she was getting. Or perhaps it would just help narrow down his options even more. Either way, it was worth making some polite conversation, no?
Kensi jumped at the sound of the guy's voice. not that it was particularly loud, or scary, really...she was just minding her own business, and his voice just seemed to pop out of NOWHERE. Just like it's owner, too. Kensi swung around, almost tripping on her obnoxious shoes, but caught herself.
"Oh, uh, I am pretty sure I am getting the exploding lemonade..I think it will have just the kick I need..." she chuckled at her own lame joke...lame.
."Have you decided yet? THere are lots of choices..."
Buuut...I don't know how to pay, who to pay...should there be a juicer here?" and by juicer she meant a person who, well...JUICES. She examined the other man...he looked older than she, but he seemed to have a kind enough face. Kensi often wondered what people thought of her...did she
look feisty? Or sound fierce? Because she would lOVE that....