Post 2: 2nd and 3rd attempt at picking the lollipops There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa dropped the lollipop that she had into her bucket before she slowly leaned forward on her broom and pointed the handle down, slowing down her broom while at the same time lowering her broom closer to the ground again. As she flew slowly over the lollipops, Alyssa decided that she would get another lollipop the same way she had done earlier. 'Hey if it worked the first time, it should again.' she thought to herself.
Once she saw that she was over a batch of lollipops, Alyssa kept her eyes on the horizon making sure that the broom was moving slow and low enough to the ground, and quickly leaned over to reach down and grab another lollipop....only this time, the broom moved in the direction she was and Alyssa realized that she was going to the hit the ground. She quickly straightened up and leaned forward on the broom while pointing the handle upwards. She breathed a sigh of relief when the broom slowly but surely ascended. 'Whew! that was a close call,' Alyssa thought to herself. She knew that she had made the mistake of being overconfident, and that had made her careless.
Determined to be careful and more cautious this time, Alyssa first flew over the lollipops as she planned her strategy. She would do what she had done before, first lower the broom until it was flying closer to the ground, and then slow its speed down, just enough that she would be able to reach out and grab a lollipop but not too slow that she stopped flying altogether and end up head first in the grass. Once she had her strategy in place, Alyssa pointed her broom handle down and slowly leaned forward. The broom responded sluggishly but Alyssa could see that she was getting closer to the ground. Once she was less than two feet from the ground, Alyssa slowly pulled back on the handle and straightened out before leaning forward ever so slightly so that the broom was now flying horizontal with the ground.
Now that she was flying horizontal, Alyssa leaned back, slowly pulling on the handle to slow down the speed of the broom as it flew. As she neared a group of lollipops, this time Alyssa headed for the biggest one she could see sticking out of the ground. When she got close enough, Alyssa removed one hand from the handle while concentrating on keeping her broom flying straight but slow at the same time. She reached out and made a wild grab...and her fingers latched onto something. Taking a quick peek at what she was holding, Alyssa was glad to see that she had another lollipop in her hand. Two down. 5 more to go.