Kensi had wandered into the new amazingly cool food court. Wow. No longer would she have to LEAVE work to go get food(unless she wanted to, of course!). The redhead's stomach was grumbling, but she was soooo thirsty! So off to the juice bar she went! Which was also AWESOME, by the waaay. Juice. Kensi was dying to try that exploding lemonade...she didn't quite know if there were workers working this...or if it was self served...but then...whom did she give her money to? Hmm...
The America glanced around, trying to see if anyone was around..she REALLY wanted some juice. Lemonade...was lemonade actually juice? It had to be, since it was a fruit...Kensi snapped back. There were PRESSING matters at hand..like WHAT TO DO NOW?!